Artist Statement
My art is an expression of the beauty I see around me. With pencil sketching, I collect images. Then, selective inking brings out the important aspects of the 150 degree image. Finally, watercolor creates depth and visual interest. Many of the works are realistic. I do not feel bound to hyper-realism, photographs provide that. I have also tried to bring color theory into my works to enhance the image. This is represented by a series of watercolors of the Pittsburgh Bike Trails.
A second goal in my artwork has been to work on creating a focal point, with a supportive background cast of images. I am searching for a clearer expression of subject in my art. I have been working on this with some still life paintings in watercolor, acrylic and pastel mediums.
Another area I have been working with is digital photography and graphic illustration using computer programs. I have been enhancing images with Adobe Photoshop. One example is a photo of zebras and background flamingos, where I have created a mystical scene that looks like an illustration done on grey paper. I have also taken the photographs and created a “Visit to Africa” short video with music. Working in the 2 D design area, I have used Paint 3-D to create art. The programs allow the inclusion of elements of design in a flat image. I have also used these programs for illustrating fashion photos. I have replaced the original photo image with color palette groupings. The resulting image often is more appealing than the original photo.
I am still learning and growing into new areas of expression.